Congratulations to our students who were selected for demonstrating outstanding citizenship! As a reward for their kindness and leadership, they enjoyed a special lunch at Elijah's. Keep up the great work!!

Carter was selected to be Teacher of the Day! His kindness, responsibility, and willingness to help his peers make him a true role model!

Pirates Baseball is off to an impressive start with a perfect 5-0 record. They dominated Leggett in a doubleheader yesterday, winning 17-0 and 18-0.

💐💐 Spring Break 💐💐

Congratulations to Kori and Emmy for winning Mrs. Cooley's 2nd grade writing contest to save Mercy the pig!

** REMINDER*** Spurger ISD Student Immunizations March 27, 2025 *Please sign up using the following link: https://form.jotform.com/auroraconcepts/student-vaccine-consent?School=Spurger%20ISD Inf o for 6 th graders – MCV4 and Tdap (tetanus booster and meningitis vaccines) – both required for 7th grade; HPV optional Information for Seniors: 1) MCV4 – Meningitis vaccine required for colleges 2) Men B – a 2 shot series for a 5th strain of meningitis that is usually optional, but please check requirements of the college you will be attending Deadline to sign-up: March 25, 2025 *All insurance policies, including Medicaid, will be verified, so please sign up and provide all insurance information using the above link if you plan to participate! *If you have no insurance and will pay out of pocket, please submit your info! You will put “NA” in all insurance blanks. No insurance: 18 years old and under - $10/shot 19 years old and above - adult prices - prices will vary depending on vaccine

2025 - 2026 Spurger ISD Calendar

The Spurger baseball team has commenced the season with two impressive victories. They secured a commanding 10-0 win against Bob-Hope, followed by an outstanding 20-0 triumph over Hull-Daisetta. It will be exciting to see how the remainder of the season unfolds for these talented players!

1st place 1600 relay at Deweyville Meet , Gage Gray, Josh Grissom, Landon Heim, Zech Grissom

The Junior High Boys Track team competed in Huntington this week and placed 3rd overall with Caleb Grissom leading the team with a 1st place finish in all 4 of his events! Congratulations to our Spurger Pirates on these accomplishments:
7th grade division
Brayden Cravey- 2nd 2400m, and 3rd 1600m.
Taven Alvis- 2nd 400m, 2nd 1600m
8th grade division
Caleb Grissom- 1st Long Jump, 1st 100m, 1st 300m Hurdles
Luke Grotte- 1st 800m, 1st 400m
Kyle Abdul- 2nd 800m
1st place 4X400m relay-- Luke Grotte, Coy Chapman, Kyle Abdul, and Caleb Grissom!

Spring Break!

Earlier this week, Carter Wright who is representing Spurger High School as our Dogwood Princess, was interviewed along with the other four princesses on KFDM. Together they discussed the history of the festival and what everyone can expect when it is Dogwood Time in Tyler County. Be sure to join in as the three week festivities start this weekend!

Way to go, Blayden!
His hard work paid off with a big improvement on his MAPS test, earning him a special prize from the office!

UIL Awards Ceremony
Spurger Elementary took 2nd place overall for the district and had several students place individually as well as their teams. We are proud of them and their achievements.

Students that showed growth on the MOCK STAAR earned 2 hours of play time in the game truck!

Spurger ISD Food Services won Tray of the Week from Region 5! Great Job Ladies!!

Kindergarten Had a Blast Building Leprechaun Traps for St. Patrick's Day! 🍀

Pre-K & Kindergarten Take a Walk on the Wild Side at the Zoo! 🦁🐯🐻

Clarck is 100% Fluent on Reflex!

First Grade Takes Learning Outside with Reading Stations!