Spurger Elementary Fundraiser pickup will be tomorrow, 12-9-22, after 12 PM.
Pre-K had their picture taken with the setup Mrs. Penny put together in the cafeteria.
Pre-K students painted ornaments and hung them on the classroom Christmas Tree.
***Elementary ONLY***
Due to testing, the 12 days of Dress up for elementary students will be changing for December 14th and December 19th. December 14th will now be Plaid Day and December 19th will be Pajama Day.
Reid is fluent on XtraMath answering expanded multiplication facts in under 3 seconds!
Lori and Kolbi received their cool math shirt today for being 100% fluent on Reflex Math addition, substraction, multiplication, and division. Great job girls!
Mr. Horn's science class had an experiment to learn about the four seasons.
Some of the elementary staff ladies got together for a Christmas craft night at the Lively Oak. They had a great time celebrating the Christmas spirit together!
Mrs. Saulsbury's class elf returned today and gave all of the students in her class a new name!
Students that turned in fundraiser sale tickets were placed in a drawing for cool prizes!
Addy received the Positive Pirate Award for showing kindness and being a great student and friend!
Santa Shop will be open December 13th through the 16th.
2nd Graders that reached their AR Goal received a special token to the prize machine!
Lilli is 100% fluent on Reflex Math! She received her cool math shirt.
The elementary is teaming up with Spurger Methodist Church to collect toiletries for our Christmas Drive Collection. Boxes are due by December 13th. If you would like to donate single items instead of a box, please bring that to the front office. Thank you all for your help to make this a success!
"Being A Pirate Is Sweet" Day at the elementary! Student's wore maroon and white to show their school spirit.
Officer Ross brought up the Sheriff's Humvee to show the elementary students before the parade. They absolutely enjoyed every minute of it!
*Updated Parade Line Up
Parade Forms must be filled out for students to ride the homecoming float. If you need a form, please stop by the elementary office to pick one up. Thank you!
*Parade line up is at 4 pm. Parade starts at 4:30.
Fundraisers are due today! Please have them turned into the elementary office to Mrs. Carrie by 2 PM.